일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |
30 | 31 |
- String[]
- 서브쿼리
- mysql
- remote ip
- eclipse hotdeploy
- 폐업자에 대한 업종등의 정보내역
- 컴퓨터 드라이버
- ajax async
- mysql trigger
- checkbox 값처리
- 접속ip
- 2개 테이블
- 첫주 및 마지막주 날짜 전체 포함
- String 배열
- ajax 동기방식처리
- TM128
- 아이폰키보드
- multipart
- group by max
- jquery selectbox change
- map api v3
- Oracle
- extundelete
- 한국소프트웨어산업협회
- update
- http https
- ant path pattern
- partition by
- 주소 좌표변환
- Today
- Total
하은양 믿음군 효실맘 호홍홍집s
poi 를 이용한 엑셀파일 다운로드처리 본문
<%@ page import="org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.*" %> <%@ page import="org.apache.poi.hssf.*" %> <%@ page import="org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor" %> <%@ page import="org.apache.poi.ss.util.*" %> <% DBHandler dbhandle = new DBHandler(); Util util = new Util(); UtilParam param = new UtilParam(request); ArrayList> aryDB = new ArrayList >(); Hashtable hsROW = new Hashtable (); String sSql = ""; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// out.clear(); out = pageContext.pushBody(); response.reset(); // 이문장이 없으면 excel 등의 파일에서 한글이 깨지는 문제 발생... request.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); response.setContentType("application/vnd.ms-excel"); String today = util.getCurrentDate("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); String fileSubject = "대출현황_"; fileSubject = new String(fileSubject.getBytes("KSC5601"), "8859_1"); String file_name = fileSubject + today+".xls"; response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+file_name); OutputStream fileOut = null; // 넘어온 변수 처리.. String orderBy = param.getParameter("orderBy",""); String SeekKeyWord = param.getParameter("SeekKeyWord",""); String Seek = param.getParameter("Seek",""); // Link 한글 Encoding 처리.... if(sREQMETHOD.equalsIgnoreCase("GET")){ Seek = util.ChangeEncoding(Seek,sFROM_CHARSET,sTO_CHARSET); } String sCurYear = util.getCurrentDate("yyyy"); String ln_year = param.getParameter("ln_year",""); if(ln_year.equals("")) ln_year = sCurYear; String ln_month = param.getParameter("ln_month",""); String ln_quarter = param.getParameter("ln_quarter",""); String biz_gubun = param.getParameter("biz_gubun",""); try{ // WorkBook 생성.. HSSFWorkbook objWorkBook = new HSSFWorkbook(); // WorkSheet 생성.. HSSFSheet objSheet = objWorkBook.createSheet(); // WorkSheet 이름.. objWorkBook.setSheetName(0,"대출현황"); // 행생성 HSSFRow objRow = null; // 셀생성 HSSFCell objCell = null; // 스타일 객체 생성 HSSFCellStyle styleHd = objWorkBook.createCellStyle(); // 제목 스타일 HSSFCellStyle styleCon = objWorkBook.createCellStyle(); // 내용 스타일 HSSFCellStyle styleConLeft = objWorkBook.createCellStyle(); // 내용 스타일 HSSFCellStyle styleConRight = objWorkBook.createCellStyle(); // 내용 스타일 HSSFCellStyle styleConRightNum = objWorkBook.createCellStyle(); // 내용 스타일 : 숫자 타입 HSSFCellStyle styleSumCon = objWorkBook.createCellStyle(); // 내용 합계 스타일 HSSFCellStyle styleSumConLeft = objWorkBook.createCellStyle(); // 내용 합계 스타일 HSSFCellStyle styleSumConRight = objWorkBook.createCellStyle(); // 내용 합계 스타일 HSSFCellStyle styleSumConRightNum = objWorkBook.createCellStyle(); // 내용 스타일 : 숫자 타입 // Data Format HSSFDataFormat df = objWorkBook.createDataFormat(); // 제목 스타일 // Font HSSFFont font = objWorkBook.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short)11); font.setBoldweight(HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); styleHd.setFont(font); // Cell Style : 테두리 styleHd.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHd.setTopBorderColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); styleHd.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHd.setBottomBorderColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); styleHd.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHd.setLeftBorderColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); styleHd.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHd.setRightBorderColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); // Cell Style : 셀 내부 색 styleHd.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); // not BackgroundColor styleHd.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.BLUE_GREY.index); // Cell Style : 정렬 styleHd.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleHd.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); // 내용 스타일 // Cell Style : 테두리 styleCon.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleCon.setTopBorderColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); styleCon.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleCon.setBottomBorderColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); styleCon.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleCon.setLeftBorderColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); styleCon.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleCon.setRightBorderColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); // Cell Style : 정렬 styleCon.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleCon.setVerticalAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_CENTER); // Cell Style : Text Wrap 여부.. styleCon.setWrapText(true); // Style Copy & Add styleConLeft.cloneStyleFrom(styleCon); styleConLeft.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); styleConRight.cloneStyleFrom(styleCon); styleConRight.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_RIGHT); styleConRightNum.cloneStyleFrom(styleConRight); styleConRightNum.setDataFormat(df.getFormat("#,##0")); // 내용 Sum 스타일 styleSumCon.cloneStyleFrom(styleCon); styleSumCon.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); // not BackgroundColor styleSumCon.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.AQUA.index); styleSumConLeft.cloneStyleFrom(styleSumCon); styleSumConLeft.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); styleSumConRight.cloneStyleFrom(styleSumCon); styleSumConRight.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_RIGHT); styleSumConRightNum.cloneStyleFrom(styleSumConRight); styleSumConRightNum.setDataFormat(df.getFormat("#,##0")); // 셀병합처리.. objSheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0,0,0,1)); // 구분 : int firstRow, int lastRow, int firstCol, int lastCol objSheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0,0,3,4)); // 대출액 objSheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0,0,5,7)); // 수수료 산출내역 objSheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0,0,9,10)); // 청구금액 objSheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1,1,0,1)); // 구분 objSheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1,1,3,4)); // 대출액 objSheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1,1,5,6)); // 수수료 산출내역 objSheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1,1,9,10)); // 청구금액 objSheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(4,4,1,2)); // 업체수 objSheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(4,4,3,8)); // 공백 int iCellCnt = 12; // Cell 갯수... // 1행 : Sum 제목 objRow = objSheet.createRow(0); objRow.setHeight((short)0x150); objCell = objRow.createCell(0); objCell.setCellValue("구분"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(1); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(2); objCell.setCellValue("업체수"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(3); objCell.setCellValue("대출액"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(4); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(5); objCell.setCellValue("수수료산출내역"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(6); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(7); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(8); objCell.setCellValue(""); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(9); objCell.setCellValue("청구금액"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(10); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(11); objCell.setCellValue(""); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); // 4행 : 제목 objRow = objSheet.createRow(3); objRow.setHeight((short)0x150); objCell = objRow.createCell(0); objCell.setCellValue("번호"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(1); objCell.setCellValue("구분"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(2); objCell.setCellValue("업체명"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(3); objCell.setCellValue("대표자명"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(4); objCell.setCellValue("사업자등록번호"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(5); objCell.setCellValue("주소"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(6); objCell.setCellValue("업종"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(7); objCell.setCellValue("보전율(%)"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(8); objCell.setCellValue("추천일자"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(9); objCell.setCellValue("추천금액(백만원)"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(10); objCell.setCellValue("대출일"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); objCell = objRow.createCell(11); objCell.setCellValue("대출원금(백만원)"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleHd); // 정렬순서 처리... String sOrder = " ORDER BY BIZ_NAME "; if(orderBy.equals("NameDesc")){ sOrder = " ORDER BY BIZ_NAME DESC "; }else if(orderBy.equals("LnDate")){ sOrder = " ORDER BY LN_DATE "; } String sWhere = " WHERE LN_SEQ IS NOT NULL "; // 검색 쿼리 처리... if (!Seek.equals("")){ if (SeekKeyWord.equals("biz_name")) { sWhere = sWhere+" AND BIZ_NAME LIKE '%"+ Seek +"%' "; }else if (SeekKeyWord.equals("biz_num")) { sWhere = sWhere+" AND BIZ_NUM LIKE '%"+ Seek +"%' "; }else if (SeekKeyWord.equals("biz_owner")) { sWhere = sWhere+" AND BIZ_OWNER LIKE '%"+ Seek +"%' "; } } // 년도 선택에 따른 조건처리... String sIS_YMQ = "Y"; if(!ln_year.equals("")){ if(ln_quarter.equals("1")){ sWhere = sWhere+" AND LN_YEAR = "+ln_year+" AND LN_MONTH IN (1,2,3) "; sIS_YMQ = "Q"; }else if(ln_quarter.equals("2")){ sWhere = sWhere+" AND LN_YEAR = "+ln_year+" AND LN_MONTH IN (4,5,6) "; sIS_YMQ = "Q"; }else if(ln_quarter.equals("3")){ sWhere = sWhere+" AND LN_YEAR = "+ln_year+" AND LN_MONTH IN (7,8,9) "; sIS_YMQ = "Q"; }else if(ln_quarter.equals("4")){ sWhere = sWhere+" AND LN_YEAR = "+ln_year+" AND LN_MONTH IN (10,11,12) "; sIS_YMQ = "Q"; }else if(!ln_month.equals("")){ sWhere = sWhere+" AND LN_YEAR = "+ln_year+" AND LN_MONTH = "+ln_month+" "; sIS_YMQ = "M"; } } // 기업 구분처리.. if(!biz_gubun.equals("")){ sWhere = sWhere+" AND BIZ_GUBUN = '"+biz_gubun+"' "; } // Total Count / Pages ... int iTotalListCnt = 0; sSql = "SELECT COUNT(LN_SEQ) FROM TB_LOAN "+sWhere; iTotalListCnt = dbhandle.getSelectoneInt(sSql); // List Selecting.... sSql = "SELECT " + "LN_SEQ, " + "BIZ_NUM, " + "BIZ_GUBUN, " + "BIZ_NAME, " + "BIZ_TYPE, " + "BIZ_OWNER, " + "BIZ_ADDR, " + "LN_YEAR, " + "LN_MONTH, " + "INTDF_RATIO, " + "DATE_FORMAT(RECOM_DATE,'%Y%m%d') RECOM_DATE, " + "RECOM_PRICE, " + "DATE_FORMAT(LN_DATE,'%Y%m%d') LN_DATE, " + "LN_PRICE, " + "CHARGE_RATIO, "+ "CHARGE_PRICE, "+ "ETC1, " + "ETC2, " + "ETC3, " + "ETC4, " + "ETC5, " + "REGDATE, " + "REG_ID, " + "REG_IP, " + "EDITDATE, " + "EDIT_ID, " + "EDIT_IP, " + "DATE_FORMAT(REGDATE,'%Y-%m-%d') RDATE,DATE_FORMAT(REGDATE,'%Y%m%d%H%i%s') STRRDATE " + " FROM TB_LOAN " + sWhere + " " + sOrder; // System.out.println(sSql); aryDB = dbhandle.getSelects(sSql); if(aryDB != null && aryDB.size() > 0){ int iTotalBizCnt = 0; // 업체수 long lnTotalLnPrice = 0; // 대출금 합계 long lnTotalRecom = 0; // 추천금액 int iRatio = cfgCHARGE_RATIO; // 0.2% 수수료율 long lnTotalCharge = 0; // 청구금액(위탁수수료) for(int i = 0 ; i < aryDB.size(); i++){ hsROW = aryDB.get(i); // 글번호... int num = (iTotalListCnt - i); // 구분처리 String sStrBizGubun = ""; String sBizGubun = (String)hsROW.get("biz_gubun"); if(sBizGubun == null) sBizGubun = ""; if(sBizGubun.equals("J")) sStrBizGubun = "중소기업"; else sStrBizGubun = "소상공인"; // n행 : 내용 objRow = objSheet.createRow(i + 5); objCell = objRow.createCell(0); objCell.setCellValue(num); objCell.setCellStyle(styleConRight); objCell = objRow.createCell(1); objCell.setCellValue(sStrBizGubun); objCell.setCellStyle(styleCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(2); objCell.setCellValue((String)hsROW.get("biz_name")); objCell.setCellStyle(styleConLeft); objCell = objRow.createCell(3); objCell.setCellValue((String)hsROW.get("biz_owner")); objCell.setCellStyle(styleCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(4); objCell.setCellValue((String)hsROW.get("biz_num")); objCell.setCellStyle(styleCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(5); objCell.setCellValue((String)hsROW.get("biz_addr")); objCell.setCellStyle(styleConLeft); objCell = objRow.createCell(6); objCell.setCellValue((String)hsROW.get("biz_type")); objCell.setCellStyle(styleCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(7); objCell.setCellValue((String)hsROW.get("intdf_ratio")); objCell.setCellStyle(styleCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(8); objCell.setCellValue((String)hsROW.get("recom_date")); objCell.setCellStyle(styleCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(9); objCell.setCellValue((String)hsROW.get("recom_price")); objCell.setCellStyle(styleConRight); objCell = objRow.createCell(10); objCell.setCellValue((String)hsROW.get("ln_date")); objCell.setCellStyle(styleCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(11); objCell.setCellValue((String)hsROW.get("ln_price")); objCell.setCellStyle(styleConRight); iTotalBizCnt++; lnTotalLnPrice += util.getParseLong((String)hsROW.get("ln_price"),0); lnTotalRecom += util.getParseLong((String)hsROW.get("recom_price"),0); lnTotalCharge += util.getParseLong((String)hsROW.get("charge_price"),0); } // 전체 합계.. objRow = objSheet.createRow(4); objCell = objRow.createCell(0); objCell.setCellValue("합계"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleSumCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(1); objCell.setCellValue(iTotalBizCnt+"개사"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleSumCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(2); objCell.setCellStyle(styleSumCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(3); objCell.setCellValue(""); objCell.setCellStyle(styleSumCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(4); objCell.setCellStyle(styleSumCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(5); objCell.setCellStyle(styleSumCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(6); objCell.setCellStyle(styleSumCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(7); objCell.setCellStyle(styleSumCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(8); objCell.setCellStyle(styleSumCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(9); objCell.setCellValue(lnTotalRecom); objCell.setCellStyle(styleSumConRightNum); objCell = objRow.createCell(10); objCell.setCellValue(""); objCell.setCellStyle(styleSumCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(11); objCell.setCellValue(lnTotalLnPrice); objCell.setCellStyle(styleSumConRightNum); // 제목 합계.. objRow = objSheet.createRow(1); objCell = objRow.createCell(0); if(sIS_YMQ.equals("Y")){ objCell.setCellValue(ln_year + "년"); }else if(sIS_YMQ.equals("M")){ objCell.setCellValue(ln_year + "년 " + ln_month+"월"); }else if(sIS_YMQ.equals("Q")){ objCell.setCellValue(ln_year + "년 " + ln_quarter+"/4분기"); } objCell.setCellStyle(styleCon); lnTotalLnPrice = lnTotalLnPrice * 1000000; objCell = objRow.createCell(1); objCell.setCellStyle(styleCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(2); objCell.setCellValue(iTotalBizCnt+"개사"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(3); objCell.setCellValue(lnTotalLnPrice); objCell.setCellStyle(styleConRightNum); objCell = objRow.createCell(4); objCell.setCellStyle(styleCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(5); objCell.setCellValue(lnTotalLnPrice); objCell.setCellStyle(styleConRightNum); objCell = objRow.createCell(6); objCell.setCellStyle(styleConLeft); objCell = objRow.createCell(7); objCell.setCellValue(" x 0."+cfgCHARGE_RATIO+"%"); objCell.setCellStyle(styleCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(8); objCell.setCellValue(""); objCell.setCellStyle(styleCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(9); objCell.setCellValue(lnTotalCharge); objCell.setCellStyle(styleConRightNum); objCell = objRow.createCell(10); objCell.setCellStyle(styleCon); objCell = objRow.createCell(11); objCell.setCellValue(""); objCell.setCellStyle(styleCon); } // Sheet Cell 넓이 : 최종 마지막에 objSheet.autoSizeColumn() 처리 for(int i = 0 ; i < iCellCnt; i++){ objSheet.autoSizeColumn(i); objSheet.setColumnWidth(i, (objSheet.getColumnWidth(i)) + 1200); // 자동조정한 사이즈에 1024를 추가 } fileOut = response.getOutputStream(); objWorkBook.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); }catch (Exception ee){ System.out.println("ERR :: "+ee.toString()); } dbhandle.close(dbhandle.con); %>
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